Raspberry Pi 400 + Grok AI = AMAZING
Adventures in The Shed: Raspberry Pi 400, AI Magic, and 100 Exploding Balls Hey folks, Lonnie here! Welcome back to The Shed—my little eBay hub by day, and my weekend playground for all things tech. Today, I’m diving into a project that’s been rattling around in my brain for a while: turning my Raspberry Pi 400 into a creative hub, with a little help from my Raspberry Pi Pico W and some serious AI wizardry courtesy of Grok from xAI. Spoiler alert: we’re not writing a single line of code ourselves, and it ends with 100 balls exploding on screen. Let’s get into it! Step 1: Waking Up the Pi 400 I’ve had this Raspberry Pi 400—a full computer crammed into a keyboard—sitting around for about four years, barely touched after its first hour of glory. It’s a steal at $80 from Adafruit (or $90 for the Pi 500 version from CanaKit if you’re feeling fancy), and I figured it was time to dust it off. First task? Get a fresh OS onto a beefy 128GB SD card, ditching the measly 32GB one it cam...