No-Code Pi Pico W: AI Powered Electronics for Everyone #1

Building Cool Stuff with the Raspberry Pi Pico W – No Coding Required!

Welcome to an exciting new journey! I’m kicking off a video series (and now a blog post!) all about the Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller. This tiny powerhouse is perfect for hobbyists who want to create awesome projects without diving deep into the world of coding. What sets this series apart from the countless Raspberry Pi tutorials out there? We’re letting AI handle all the coding for us. That’s right – not a single line of code will come from me, and I’ll show you how you can do the same!

Why AI? Honestly, I’ve been using it to generate code for a while now, and it’s clear I’ll never be as fast or precise as it is – and it’s only getting better. For folks like me (and maybe you), who have day jobs and just want to tinker with tech as a hobby, this is a game-changer. You don’t need to become a computer scientist to build something cool. In this series, we’ll explore how to make fun, practical projects with the Pico W using AI-generated code. Let’s dive into the first step: getting started.

Step 1: Setting Up the Raspberry Pi Pico W with MicroPython

When you get a fresh Raspberry Pi Pico W, it’s a blank slate – no firmware, no code, nothing. To make it work with AI-generated scripts, we need to install MicroPython, a lightweight version of Python designed for microcontrollers. Here’s how we do it, with a little help from AI right from the start.

I asked AI: “I just got a new Raspberry Pi Pico W – what do I do first?” It pointed me to the official Raspberry Pi site ( for the latest MicroPython firmware. Here’s the process:

  1. Download the Firmware: Grab the MicroPython UF2 file for the Pico W from the Raspberry Pi website.
  2. Connect the Pico W: Plug your Pico W into your computer via a micro USB cable. Quick tip: make sure your cable supports data transfer, not just charging. I wasted an hour once with a charge-only cable – don’t make my mistake!
  3. Boot into Firmware Mode: Hold down the BOOTSEL button on the Pico W while plugging it in. On your computer, it’ll show up as a drive called “RPI-RP2” (on macOS, I saw it in Finder).
  4. Install MicroPython: Drag the downloaded UF2 file onto the RPI-RP2 drive. Once it’s done copying, the Pico W will disappear as a drive – that’s normal! MicroPython is now installed.

That’s it – setup complete! It’s surprisingly quick, right?

Step 2: Getting an IDE – Enter Thonny

To interact with the Pico W and run our AI-generated code, we need an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). I’m using Thonny, a beginner-friendly option that’s perfect for this series. Here’s how to get it going:

  • Download Thonny from its official site (I grabbed the Mac version, but it’s available for Windows and Linux too).
  • Install and launch it. You’ll see a code editor at the top and a terminal/shell at the bottom – that’s where the magic happens.

In Thonny, you can choose where your code runs: locally on your computer or on the Pico W. For now, let’s test it locally with a classic “Hello, World!” program. I asked AI for one, pasted it into Thonny, selected “Local Python,” and hit run. Sure enough, “Hello, World!” popped up in the terminal. Simple, but satisfying.

Step 3: Blinking the Onboard LED with AI-Generated Code

Now, let’s get the Pico W doing something visible. The Pico W has a built-in LED connected to GPIO pin 25 (GP25). I asked AI: “I have a Pico W and want to blink the internal LED off and on at one-second intervals.” Here’s the code it gave me:

from machine import Pin
import time

led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)

while True:
    led.high()   # Turn LED on
    time.sleep(1) # Wait 1 second
    led.low()    # Turn LED off
    time.sleep(1) # Wait 1 second

I copied this into Thonny, switched the interpreter to “MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico),” and hit run. The onboard LED started blinking – one second on, one second off. Success! Want it faster? I asked AI to tweak it to a quarter-second interval, and it updated the time.sleep(1) lines to time.sleep(0.25). Ran it again, and the blink sped up. No coding skills needed – just copy, paste, and tweak.

Step 4: Running Code Without a Computer

What if you want your Pico W to run this code standalone, without being tethered to your computer? Easy – save the script to the Pico W as In Thonny, click the save icon, choose “Raspberry Pi Pico,” and name it Now, whenever the Pico W powers up, it’ll automatically run that script.

I tested it: unplugged the Pico W, plugged it back in (using the computer just for power – no data connection), and the LED started blinking right away. Lose power and plug it back in? It starts again. Perfect for standalone projects!

Step 5: Adding an External LED with a Breadboard

Let’s level up with a simple external circuit. For this, I’m using a breadboard and components from the SunFounder Pico W kit (highly recommended – link below!). Here’s a quick breadboard primer:

  • Power and Ground Rails: The red and blue lines along the sides are connected vertically – great for distributing power and ground.
  • Terminal Strips: The rows in the middle (split by a gap) connect horizontally – perfect for building circuits.
  • Setup the Ground: I connected pin 38 (GND) to one ground rail and pin 3 (GND) to the other with jumper wires, so both sides are ready for action.

Now, the circuit:

  • Take an LED (long leg is positive, short leg is negative) and a 330-ohm resistor (220-ohm works too).
  • Plug the long leg into a row on the breadboard, connect it to GP16 (pin 21) with a jumper wire, and run the short leg to the ground rail via the resistor (this limits current to protect the LED).

Back to AI: “I have an LED attached to GP16 – make it blink off and on at one-second intervals.” It gave me this:

from machine import Pin
import time

led = Pin(16, Pin.OUT)

while True:

Pasted it into Thonny, hit run, and the external LED started blinking. It’s alive!

Wrapping Up

In this first installment, we’ve set up the Raspberry Pi Pico W with MicroPython, installed Thonny, blinked the onboard LED, made it run standalone, and wired up an external LED – all without writing a lick of code ourselves. AI did the heavy lifting, and we just copied and pasted. Whether you’re a hobbyist or just curious, this approach makes microcontroller projects accessible and fun.

Next time, we’ll dive deeper into the SunFounder kit components and build something even cooler. Got questions? Want to know more about resistors or breadboards? Ask AI – it’s your rabbit-hole guide! Thanks for joining me – see you in the next one!



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